
Inspired to Enrich

Writing instruction doesn't have to be a struggle. Using 21st century writing strategies is the most effective way to uncomplicate writing lessons and support student success. Our signature tools include Story Coins Game, purposeful writing prompts, and trainings and coaching to help you move students beyond the status quo. Follow along if you're ready to be a 21st Century writing renegade!

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This Writing Task Is Dead ☠️

I'm sorry, Reader, but the 5 paragraph essay is dead ☠️Why? Because communication and writing has moved beyond producing only essays.. (looking at you AI 😒)Our students are consumers of multi-media text: print, audio, video, and graphic. We need our students move beyond consumer and become a creator.Now, before you try to stab me with your freshly sharpened pencil, I’m not saying organization and formatting don’t matter.Often when people say the 5 paragraph essay is important what they’re...

Empower Young Minds with Creative Play Hey Reader, Ever wish you could turn screen time into something more meaningful? Let me share a quick story. Last weekend, my daughter was bored and itching for something to do. Blocks were a no and crayons weren't it. That's when I pulled out Story Coins. We sat outside creating own magical adventures with Story Coins and sidewalk chalk. My favorite part was seeing her imagination and thinking skills grow right before my eyes! What Makes Story Coins...

Back to School season is here, Reader! Are you looking for a fun and educational way to spark student imagination this school year? Story Coins are here to transform storytelling and writing experiences! Story Coins... Who is She? Tangible Fun Story Coins are metal "coin" with unique doodles on each one. The images can be interpreted in multiple ways, so your child’s creativity will grow with them. Plus, they offer a sensory experience that kids love – the smooth feel of the metal coins and...

Happy 2024, Reader! There is already so much going on and we're only a week into the new year. I hope your 2024 is off to a good start! One of my favorite trends on social right now is the "Ins and Outs" of the new year. Usually, I choose a word of the year, but this year I wanted something fresh and new. So, here's a quick list of what I'm taking into, and leaving out of, 2024! 1- IN: engagement with technology. OUT: technology as the only form of engagement 2- IN: teaching note taking. OUT:...

What is your favorite holiday memory, Reader? Several pop up for me, but there is something they all have in common: warmth. This holiday season, focus on family time with these 3 holiday activities: 1- Story Button podcast player for screen free time 2- Story Coins for dinner table fun 3- Writing letters to someone special... including Santa! Listen to the latest podcast episode all about these fun and meaningful activities you can do with the whole family. Listen on Spotify

Reader, what is the scariest part of teaching? Any of these fears could be a haunted house for me... especially the no coffee☕️ eeeek! In this week's podcast episode, we're talking teacher fears and how to reframe them. No skeletons in this closet! I'm sharing some real life stories and behind the scenes moments to help you make your lessons (and teaching experience) fun and meaningful. LISTEN ONLINE NOW Want more support with creative technology and writing? Let's schedule a discovery chat...

Reader, For years, whenever I mentioned writing to my students, I got eye rolls and deep sighs; I’m sure you can relate! So today, I’m sharing 3 surprising benefits of student reading journals. I’ll cover what they are, how to use them, and how they can make a big impact in your classroom! I'm also sharing a major mom hack and exciting news about a new membership program coming in a few weeks! NEW BLOG POST To help my students overcome writing dread, I created Monday Musings. Soon, they were...

How's it going, Reader? Can you believe it's already October!? It feels like the first day of school was just a few weeks ago. With the crisp mornings and changing leaves, I've been enjoying a few Pumpkin Spice Lattes. And, while it might be "fake fall" here in the south, one thing that isn't fake is my excitement for making writing fun! Student engagement is dependent on how much the content can relate to them. This time of year, all I hear in the hallways is "pumpkin spice this" and "fall...

Happy Friday, Reader! What are your weekend plans? Our family is headed to the beach tomorrow and it got me thinking.... how can we make our vacation educational but (obviously) keep it fun!? I thought back to beach trips with my grandmother. She would sit on the shoreline of St. Simons Island and tell me about the Atlantic shelf, old world explorers, and all types of ocean life. I would hang on to every word of her stories... which is why learning anywhere at anytime is so important to me...

Reader do your kids struggle to know what to write? How about why their writing? My students did, too! Picture this: I'm walking around my small 5th-grade classroom, and one by one, eager hands shoot up in the air. I had given them a simple writing task—a narrative—and they were beyond ready for me to review their work. It caught me off guard, to be honest. I expected them to take a bit longer. As I read through their stories, something became painfully clear. Several of my sweet 5th-graders...