
Inspired to Enrich

How We Beat a Writing Slump🥊

Published 11 months ago • 1 min read

Reader do your kids struggle to know what to write? How about why their writing?

My students did, too!

Picture this: I'm walking around my small 5th-grade classroom, and one by one, eager hands shoot up in the air. I had given them a simple writing task—a narrative—and they were beyond ready for me to review their work.

It caught me off guard, to be honest. I expected them to take a bit longer.

As I read through their stories, something became painfully clear. Several of my sweet 5th-graders had written about the same thing—their first puppy.

I smiled, gave them some positive feedback, and told them to "add more detail to their stories". (if I had a dime for every time I said that, am I right!?)

Then, it hit me!

None of my students were writing their own thoughts and voices- they were assembling sentences based on the provided organizer like a puzzle. I felt so frustrated because this was how I learned to teach writing in EDU courses.

You model an example, have the kids practice, and then they create their own.

But something wasn't clicking.

Now, a few years later, I have the opportunity to work students to improve their creative technology and writing skills. Going into so many classrooms, I've noticed how many teachers are bending over backwards to teach the same old strategies they were taught.

Strategies that I struggled with myself... yet, there's still a disconnect.

Reader, when was the last time you wrote a standard five-paragraph essay for your boss? Unless you're currently taking college classes, I'm willing to bet never.

And guess what? Our students won't be writing that way in the real world either.

It's time we start teaching students how to write with their ideas- how to communicate, brainstorm, and turn their writing into something purposeful- while leveraging technology.

That's where 21st-century writing strategies come in—they uncomplicate writing lessons and support student success. Let's work together to support the kids we teach (public, private, or at home) to learn writing skills for their future!

On the podcast this month, I'm diving into how I support my students through my 4 Whys Approach: comprehension, production, storytelling, and communication.

🎧 Click here to listen to the most resent episode: Part 2- production. (Spotify)

🎙Missed part one? Click here to start this 4 part series. (Spotify)

You can also listen to the podcast on Apple and Google! And, while you're there, hit follow so you don't miss my favorite Why coming this week: storytelling.

Happy listening, Reader!


PS- need more tools and resources for writing support? Don't forget the Story Coins Summer Sets☀️are on sale for 10% off! Use code SUMMER23 at checkout... and if you reply to this email after purchase, I'll throw in a free gift! 😉

Inspired to Enrich

Kayleigh Collier- Writing & Tech Coach

Writing instruction doesn't have to be a struggle. Using 21st century writing strategies is the most effective way to uncomplicate writing lessons and support student success. Our signature tools include Story Coins Game, purposeful writing prompts, and trainings and coaching to help you move students beyond the status quo. Follow along if you're ready to be a 21st Century writing renegade!

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