
Inspired to Enrich

Write w/o the Fight! 🥊

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hey, Reader.

I was chatting with an Insta pal the other day and she was telling me how much her son hated writing! She said it was a struggle to get him to write anything, even thought he's super creative and loves to tells stories.

My suggestion was to grab a set of Story Coins and just play together. Call it "writing time", but don't force him to physically write anything.

The result? A kid who spent the afternoon telling stories with sidewalk chalk!

So, if you know a reluctant writer (or 2 or 3), try one of the ideas below. Then, hit reply and let me know which one was the winner!

PS- I'm working on adding hand drawn images to the Story Coins collection! Be sure to share this email with a friend and you'll both be the first to know when they drop!

Inspired to Enrich

Kayleigh Collier- Writing & Tech Coach

Writing instruction doesn't have to be a struggle. Using 21st century writing strategies is the most effective way to uncomplicate writing lessons and support student success. Our signature tools include Story Coins Game, purposeful writing prompts, and trainings and coaching to help you move students beyond the status quo. Follow along if you're ready to be a 21st Century writing renegade!

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